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Meet the Founder & Lead Designer behind the studio.

Like yesterday (2019), I was standing in the kitchen of a family I was babysitting for in Columbus, Ohio attempting to find a brand designer for my lipstick company.


After years of learning graphic design and stepping out into the digital world, I've had the pleasure of modernizing brands for small business professionals, artisans, and creatives all of the world.

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Build a Small Business Brand in 2024

Hey hey, this is officially our first blog post of 2024! After a two-year hiatus, we're excited to present this blog post because in 2024 we want to talk about what it looks like to build a small business brand in the year 2024 without breaking the bank.

Last year, there was a surge of brand strategists that primarily serve creators, small businesses, professionals, experts, and the list could go on forever screaming that you need to build a brand...which is true..however, they didn't scream that you can do it without the big budgets if that's not where you are in your business journey at the moment to be able to afford the seasoned Brand Strategist or branding packages they offer.

If you were a witness to that messaging that circulated throughout social media or any other marketing channel and you're wondering "How can I build a brand for myself with $0, $10, or even 100 dollars?" you're in the right blog!

PS: If you prefer to listen or watch this content versus reading, we encourage you to watch our latest YouTube video "Build a Small Business Brand in 2024" which summarizes everything we're about to cover in this blog today.

If you'd like to continue reading then let's get into branding your businesses in 2024.

Lifestyle Branding

If you read Lifestyle Brand and instantly became confused...don't overthink it! A lifestyle brand is simply a brand that focuses on communicating to its target audience through visuals that showcase the lifestyle the audience aspires to achieve.

Whether you're a Content Creator or a professional, lifestyle branding is beneficial for reaching your target audience because it allows them to see what you do, who you are, and what it looks like in real-time to live their desired life.

When your target audience has a front-row view into your business and brand this will allow your viewer to either relate to you because they're currently living this lifestyle or desire to relate to you by wanting to achieve the lifestyle that's being presented.

Believe it or not, it's very easy to achieve a lifestyle brand when you know your target audience on an intimate level and you're able to present the desired lifestyle they're aspiring to reach consistently.

Implementing Lifestyle into Your Small Business Branding

Once you have discovered your target audience and the lifestyle your target audience is intending to live the first step in implementing lifestyle into your branding begins with the visuals. You'll want to ask yourself the following questions to begin building your foundation:

  • What is it that your audience needs to see to relate to your brand?

  • What aesthetic naturally catches their eye?

  • What are they seeing daily based on their routines and habits?

Once you've identified the answers to these questions your next three steps to establish your visuals or lifestyle brand are the following:

  1. Identify your aesthetic. This includes fonts and colors you'll use throughout your marketing channels and assets.

  2. Discover where your target audience socializes. It can be TikTok or Facebook however don't limit your audience to social media as the person you're desiring to serve could be a Target or Home Depot person.

  3. Experiment with different visual formats to market and advertise to your target audience. Don't be afraid to experiment with videos and images or a mix of both that show the lifestyle your audience desires to live is achievable by working or doing business with you since you're already where they want to be.

When establishing your visual brand, outside of the steps we've listed for you to complete (begin today if possible while it's top of mind); remember to keep your lifestyle authentic, and consistent, but most of all have fun on your journey!

Experience Branding

If you're not into lifestyle branding or you don't want to be the face of your brand (personal branding) then you would benefit most from building an experience-based brand! Experience branding allows you to focus on a feeling or perception that you desire for your audience to have around your brand versus visuals or a lifestyle.

Experience-based branding is best for "business brands" or those brands that are positioning an offer and/or a product such as a Course Creator or a professional such as a Lawyer, Consultant, or Brand Designer. Essentially, brands that are focusing on providing an experience will put their efforts into establishing one primary feeling that they want their target audience to have when it comes to their business.

Implementing a feeling through every aspect of your business allows your target audience to associate this strategically implemented feeling with your products which in return will trigger the viewer to interact with your brand because you make the feeling they're desiring available through your brand or offers.

Achieving an experience-based brand is simple when you clearly understand the feelings you present to the marketplace and how these feelings impact your target audience's perception of your brand and products.

Implementing an Experience into Your Small Business Branding

The first step in establishing an experience-based brand is to identify how your target audience feels in their life at the moment and how they desire to feel once they reach their goals. Whether you're a service- or eCommerce-based professional, then you should have an in-depth understanding of the following:

  • What is your target audience's ultimate goal?

  • Where are they currently on their journey?

  • What does your audience need to get to their desired goal?

  • How do they currently feel compared to how they desire to feel?

Having the answers to these questions allows you to see the bigger picture when it relates to your audience and that bigger picture is how they're currently feeling, what motivates them, and how they're desiring to feel.

Once you've identified the answers to these questions your next three steps to establish your experience-based brand are the following:

  1. Identify the feeling you're going to implement throughout your business. Consider every area of your business from how you'll respond to emails or customer service, your product descriptions, and your social media engagement.

  2. Be clear in your positioning. Use competitor research to understand what your competitors are currently doing, identify their gaps, and fill the gaps in the marketplace with a unique feeling that only you or your business provides.

  3. Use automation for consistency. Automation platforms such as Zapier allow you to deliver a consistent experience to your viewers, leads, and potential clients. Delivering the same experience within each stage of your customer journey eliminates potential confusion and creates a positive experience overall.

Similar to establishing a lifestyle brand, when building an experience-based brand, remember to keep your experience authentic to your personality and consistent with what your target audience desires to experience. Don't forget to have fun on your journey!

Branded Beautiful, The Guide

iPad mockup showcasing K Brands Studio "Branded Beautiful, The Guide" free download in Build a Small Business Brand in 2024 blog post.

Now that you have learned the difference between lifestyle- and experience-based branding it's time to take things a step further. Elevate your knowledge and brand through sustainable strategy and design concepts every growing business owner needs. Learn the fundamentals of branding and modernize your brand strategy when you download our free “Branded Beautiful” guide.

When you subscribe to our email family we promise to deliver tips, resources, and offers that will help you elevate your brand to the next level. We won't send you spam!

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